CounteR’s First Public Webinar

Exclusive updates about social and psychological factors for radicalisation and about CounteR Platform’s user requirements will be provided at CounteR’s first public webinar, which will take place on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. CET.
CounteR’s webinar will convene various audiences interested in our project’s domains and work packages, as well as representatives of CounteR’s sister projects from EC’s H-2020 Programme.
The webinar will start with INSIKT Intelligence sharing most recent updates about the completion of the user requirements for the creation of CounteR’s Platform.
Next, senior researchers from another consortium member, the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, will brief the audience about the social and the psychological factors of the radicalisation process.
Two of CounteR’s sister projects are invited to present their work during the webinar: CREST will provide a demonstration of their platform for prediction, prevention, operation, and investigation; while PROPHETS will talk about conceptualising and measuring behavioural radicalisation in an online context.
All those willing to join CounteR’s virtual discussion are kindly requested to do so by following THIS Zoom link. The European Institute Foundation, which will moderate the webinar, looks forward to questions and comments prior to, and during the event. Do not hesitate to contact our team to share your feedback!
The webinar comes as a follow-up to CounteR’s LinkedIn Cluster Group, launched in 2021 for interaction with industry and commercial actors, end-users, suppliers, service-providers, CSOs, similar projects, academia, and institutions.
After the webinar, the presentations and other materials used will be published on CounteR’s website and shared through our newsletter.